Quick and easy administration of your website

Take advantage of our simple web content management system. Administration of websites based on 7RS is simple and intuitive. Each website based on our management system has its own individual design.

Our content management system was created in 2010 with the transition to the newest version of PHP and the Nette Framework. Nette Framework, the core of the 7RS content management system, is a robust system enabling the effective construction of large web systems.

Our content management system has been built with a view to the lay public, is intuitive, and possesses an attractive graphic design. You can use it to add and change text on your website, add images, and administer current news. The system’s extensive features are described in the paragraph “What products do we offer…”.

Poptávkový formulář

Odesláním souhlasíte se zpracováním osobních údajů.

Vývoj software na zakázku

Vaší vizi přepracujeme do virtuální podoby, pomůžeme Vám domyslet všechny detaily, seznámíme Vás s prostředím, do kterého vstupujete. Zákazníkům se věnujeme naplno, vždy s osobním přístupem.

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